Councillor McCann Meeting Report (August 13, 2019)

West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Board Meeting
On Thursday, July 25, 2019 I attended the West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Board Meeting. The E. Roy Smith Gallery floor is being installed.  A great deal of thanks goes to several who volunteered their time and the Museum is holding a Volunteer BBQ Appreciation Night this month to say thank you.  A number of housekeeping items were on the agenda - accepting our Manager's and Treasurer's Report, Governance and Financial Policy reviews, and insurance coverage for our volunteers.

Condolences to Murch Family
I wish to take this opportunity to extend sincere sympathies to the Murch family of Parry Sound on the passing of Carolien on Sunday, July 28, 2019. Carolien was a retired teacher from Victory School and was very active in her church, St. Andrews, as well as in the community.  She will be deeply missed by so many in the community who were touched by her kindness.  We extend our sympathies to Cam, Karl, Erin, Kristin and families and friends.  Funeral service was held at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church on Friday, August 2nd.  The family has appreciated donations in her name made to Threefold Ministries and the Parry Sound Salvation Army Food Bank.  Our thoughts and prayers are with her extended family.

Condolences to Family of Christopher 'Chris' Armstrong
I would also like to take this time to extend condolences to the family of Chris Armstrong and to the people of Whitestone.  Chris, who was serving as Mayor of Whitestone lost his battle to cancer on Monday, August 5, 2019.  He was 58.  The Funeral Service was held on Saturday, August 10, 2019 in the Torrance Chapel at Torrance Funeral Home, Parry Sound.  The family was graciously accepting donations in Chris' name for the West Parry Sound Health Centre or Hospice West Parry Sound.  In addition to serving as Mayor, Chris was also a long-time dedicated member of the Whitestone Fire and Rescue Department for 30 years.  As Mayor, Chris was very passionate and devoted to the people of Whitestone.  Indeed he will be missed by many.

Farewell to Wayne & Antje Cormier
On Sunday, August 11, 2019, Wayne & Antje Cormier pulled up the final stakes for Nova Scotia.  Coming here in 1969, Wayne soon founded Cormier Adjusting Services Ltd.  Since then Wayne and Antje have enriched our community in so many wonderful ways.  When the phone rings and it's Wayne Cormier calling to say he needs your help, you just can't refuse.  Wayne would never ask someone to do something he wouldn't do himself, but you just know when you jump on his bandwagon, you're in for an exciting ride.  His enthusiasm is contagious. His positive attitude is efficacious and his overall vision is something you want to buy into.

Wayne was instrumental in the development of Parry Sound Area Big Brothers.  Wayne has always been strong on vision. He sees the 'big picture', keeps his eyes on the prize and refuses to settle for "it can't be done".  One of Wayne's strongest qualities is a particular gift for bringing people together such as when he played a key role in establishing a positive relationship between Canadore College and the West Parry Sound District in 2004. He believed one could never over estimate the value of education and skills training brought about through the collaboration between secondary and post secondary institutions and various community stake holders.  The first building block in Wayne's vision was to establish a community consultation process and in doing so set up the Canadore College Parry Sound Area Community Advisory Committee.  For his accomplishments Wayne was awarded the distinguished 2008 Colleges Ontario William G. Davis Community Volunteer Award.  His proven negotiation skills and a demonstrated ability to find middle ground in establishing agreements have always been integral to his achievements.  Wayne was honoured with the Order of Parry Sound. For Wayne, it's always been about team work and the good of the entire West Parry Sound District. His motto has always been "One wins, we all win!" and has always been quick to share the credit with 'everyone' involved.

Wayne was a dedicated member of the former Regional Economic Development Advisory Committee (REDAC), an advocate for the Parry Sound Area Industrial Park and was a member of the former St. Joseph's Hospital Board.  He is a member of the Parry Sound Council Knights of Columbus and is a founding member of Hope Pregnancy Support Centre – Parry Sound.  He served as Councillor for the Town of Parry Sound over a six-year period.

He has served with the Parry Sound Kinsmen Club and been active with the Parry Sound Old Timers Hockey Club. One of his final initiatives this year was to bring the Flying Fathers Hockey Club to Parry Sound. True to his style Wayne's positive approach to this fund raiser was with a "think big" mindset and with a strategy inclusive of the community at large.

His wife Antje has been no stranger to the people of this area! She has worked various volunteer capacities and played significant roles within a number of organizations including the Catholic Women's League and the West Parry Sound Hospital Auxiliary. She has generously shared her husband with the community for decades.  Wayne has been an inspiration and a mentor to many here from every walk of life and I include myself. To Wayne and Antje who have worked so hard for the betterment of our region, we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude. Our lives have been enriched by knowing the Cormier's and we wish them health and happiness for the next chapter of their lives.