Councillor McCann Meeting Report (December 3, 2019)
Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting
On Wednesday, November 20, 2019 I attended the Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting. Financial statements were accepted. We discussed the Long Term Care budget, reviewed amendments to our constitution and by-laws, reviewed the Life Lease 2020 draft budget, fees and utility billing, the Ministry of Health inspection reports and orders and finalized the monthly dates throughout 2020 of our Board of Management meetings.Belvedere Heights Municipal Stakeholder Meeting
On Thursday, November 21, 2019 I attended the Belvedere Heights Municipal Stakeholder Meeting, held in the Fireside Lounge. There was discussion on the finds and recommendations arising from the recent core business review completed by Assured Care. Assured Care's President, Robert Berg, made the presentation.
West Parry Sound District Museum Open House
(Photos Credit: Tom Mangos of Radioworkz Parry Sound)
On Friday evening, November 22, 2019 I attended the West Parry Sound District Museum Open House. Annual pass holders, stakeholders, and supporters of The Museum on Tower Hill were given a pre-Christmas treat with a sneak peek of the Museum’s new Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Railway working model train exhibit. This replica is housed in the Museum's E. Roy Smith Gallery. The model display is complete with authentic miniature structures depicting Depot Harbour. The entire railway layout including roundhouse, stores and landmarks of the day and all included. Its creator, Graham Macdonald, calls this his millennium project taking over some 17 years to complete. He and his wife live in Kitchener and built the replica in their basement. A big part of the job was dissembling various portions of the display for transport to Parry Sound. Also, part of the evening was devoted to the unveiling of special and unique display cases which were founded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Its representative Sylvia Thompson-Nicholson was on hand to speak of the $13,000 grant awarded. M.P.P. Norm Miller was also in attendance and addressed the gathering.
Parry Sound Open House Strategic Plan
On Tuesday evening, November 26, 2019 I attended the Parry Sound Open House Strategic Planning meeting.West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Board Meeting
On Thursday evening, November 28, 2019 I attended the West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Board Meeting. Various housekeeping matters including the Manager's and Treasurer's reports were accepted. Policies were discussed and we welcomed new Board Members, Marie DeGrow and Jo Bossart.Belvedere Heights Board of Management Special Meeting
This afternoon, December 3, 2019, with Councillor Borneman, I attended a Special Meeting of the Belvedere Heights Board of Management regarding Human Resources matters.Adopt A Senior Program / Be Santa to a Senior
(Image Credit: Parry Sound North Star / Beacon Star)
This is the eighth year for the "Adopt A Senior - Be Santa To A Senior" organized by Community Support Services. Once again we are looking for donations. Items required for the gift bags include lap blankets or comforters, socks, gloves, mitts, toques, napkins, stationary, gift cards, shampoo, body lotions, toothpaste, toothbrushes, various soaps, razors, shaving cream, calendars, chocolates, cookies, snacks, puzzles, long reach grabbers, flashlights, batteries, diabetic treats, tea, tissues and other similar gift ideas. Items can be dropped off at Community Support Services at Belvedere Heights and at the Parry Sound North Star Office on Bowes Street before or on Friday, December 13, 2019. We are grateful to the Parry Sound North Star for its help in this endeavour! The items will then be sorted into gift bags for women and men. Thank you in advance for your help!