Councillor McCann Meeting Report (January 15, 2019)
New Year Greetings
With this our first Council Meeting of 2019 I would once again like to wish everyone a very healthy and prosperous New Year! Moving forward this year and the next three years, I believe Parry Sound is in store for some great changes and opportunities. I truly believe that our time to shine is within arms' reach.Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting
Due to illness I missed the Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting on Wednesday, January 9th. I look forward to continuing my work with Belvedere. I will continue to sit on the HR Committee and will also be serving in the capacity of Secretary - Treasurer. The HR Committee has a busy year ahead as we review Directors' Compensation, an Annual Evaluation of our CEO, Annual Evaluation of the Board, Skills Inventory, Pay Equity Update and Managers and Non-Union Vacation policies.Parry Sound Public Library Monthly Board Meeting
This morning at 9:00 I attended my first monthly board meeting of the Parry Sound Public Library. With our inaugural meeting, new board members were welcomed, a new Board Chair and Vice Chair were elected. Financials were received, change of banking signatories and discussion about volunteer appreciation. Fund Raising in 2019 was also discussed.The Flying Fathers coming to Parry Sound
Last month I mentioned we had a surprise fund raiser coming to Parry Sound in February. I'm pleased to announce that we are bringing the Flying Fathers Hockey Club to Parry Sound on February 20th at the Bobby Orr Community Centre! The fund raiser is in support of Hospice West Parry Sound, Hope Pregnancy Support Centre, Parry Sound and Habitat for Humanity, Parry Sound Chapter. For information on the history of the Flying Fathers, check this out!
Watch for more details coming within days!!Grateful for West Parry Sound Health Centre
I have been fortunate to enjoy fairly good health in my life, but during 2018 and again in January of this year I suffered from issues which really got my attention. Each of these issues eventually brought me to the emergency department at the West Parry Sound Health Centre. I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for the excellent care from staff in this department. We are very fortunate to have such a facility right here in Parry Sound and it should never be taken for granted. As the winter and 2019 move ahead please keep well.