Councillor McCann Meeting Report (July 2, 2019)

Parry Sound Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Rescue Exercises

On Thursday, June 20, 2019 my work took my on board The Cambrian boat and I rode with members of the Parry Sound Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary who were headed way out past Red Rock for the purpose of participating in rescue exercises.  The object of the day was to rescue two individuals, each with a life preserver, floating on the water.  The exercise involved a military plane flying over the area several times to air drop smoke bombs to determine wind direction, life rafts and pump.  In this particular exercise, it was more important to have information on the location of the men overboard and to be in contact with the crew in the air.  The Cambrian could have been far off, but we were in the area to observe, participate and retrieve rescue equipment.  I mention this occasion because I want to highlight the work the members of our local Coast Guard Auxiliary does.  They are volunteers and the group is vital in many ways most people would not be aware.  The Auxiliary is most definitely an asset to our area and its people and visitors.

Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church 150th Anniversary
On Sunday, June 23, 2019 Saint Peter the Apostle Catholic Church celebrated its 150th Anniversary!  A special Mass was held with Bishop Daniel Miehm officiating.  There was even a Confirmation held.  The Mass was followed by speeches.  Mayor McGarvey was on hand to offer some words and present an official acknowledgement from the Town of Parry Sound.  Thank you Mr. Mayor for your presence on that day!  Prior to the Mass, there was a Bench Dedication at Mission Park.  Mission Park is the previous location of St. Peter's Church.  After the Mass and speeches we enjoyed a great barbecue.

"Facts & Fears, Protecting Educational Opportunities" Public Meeting
(Upper L to R: Corine Green, Dawson Bloor, Gracie Crafts; Lower L to R: Tamara Cunningham, Ron Chase, Howard Wesley, Jocelyn Shipman - Photo: Tom Mangos,
Monday evening, June 24, 2019 I attended the public meeting regarding the state of education in Parry Sound, both now and what may be expected in the coming months and years.  It was held in the gymnasium at the Hub.  "Facts & Fears, Protecting Educational Opportunities" was the theme and the meeting was organized by community members.  Retired Principal, Ron Chase, was the moderator.  Provincial cut-backs, class sizes and their impact were discussed as well as concerns over Canadore College leasing space to the French Public Elementary School Board.  No one was against the idea of the school.  In fact many endorsed the idea, but not the location.  Concerns over loss of indigenous education were also addressed.

Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting
On Wednesday morning, June 26, 2019, I attended the Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting.  We learned on May 28, 2019 that effective July 1, 2019, the province will put into effect July 1st this year, an inflationary increase of 2.3% will be applied to basic and preferred accommodation in long-term care homes.  In fact there were various announcements of funding changes announced by the province.  Some of these include Global Level of Care Funding Increase, Physiotherapy Funding Program and RN funding Fixed Top-Up for homes with more than 64 beds.  Financial Statements were reviewed and accepted.

Canada Day Celebrations
Finally, my wife and I strolled down to the waterfront to observe the events yesterday, July 1st, in celebrating Canada Day.  Thank you to staff and organizers for the hard work put into organizing this most successful and attractive annual event.  A belated Happy Canada Day to all!