Councillor McCann Meeting Report (June 18, 2019)

295 MacPherson Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron 75th Annual Ceremonial Review and Inspection
On Sunday, June 9th, 2019, at 2:00PM I attended the 75th Annual Ceremonial Review and Inspection.  The Commanding Officer, Staff and Cadets in combination with the Squadron Sponsor and Squadron Sponsoring Committee were on hand.  This of course is in line with the 75th Anniversary of the 295 MacPherson Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron.  This review and inspection, like all others, provides an opportunity to show the parents, friends, the Air Cadet League of Canada, as well as the military and the public how well the Cadets have learned and taken to heart the lessons and training over the last year.  Congratulations to all involved.  They demonstrated survival and first-aid skills, drill, athletics and a variety of other activities.  The event was held at the Kinsman Park.

Parry Sound Public Library Monthly Board Meeting
This morning, Tuesday, June 18, 2019, along with Councillor Backman I attended the Parry Sound Public Library Monthly Board Meeting.  Financial statements were discussed and accepted.  Building maintenance was on the agenda.  New Business included a decision to move forward with Payroll Direct Deposit and a Yard Sale coming up on Saturday, July 6, 2019.

Condolences to Dr. David Wright & Family
I would like to take this time to offer sincere condolences to Dr. David Wright and his family on the passing of his wife, Jill Wright.  She died on June 10th, 2019 after a courageous battle with cancer.  Jill and Dr. David Wright were married for 54 years.  The couple is very well known in our community.  Jill was a longtime member of the West Parry Sound Health Centre Board of Directors.  Funeral Service was held in the Logan Memorial Chapel on Friday, June 14th at 1:30 P.M.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.