Councillor McCann Meeting Report (May 7, 2019)

Parry Sound Public Library Monthly Board Meeting
On Tuesday morning, April 23, 2019, along with Councillor Backman, I attended the Parry Sound Public Library Monthly Board Meeting.  Eric Cavanaugh of BDO reviewed our 2018 Financial Statements.  We were honoured with a visit by Rebecca Johnson, Town of Parry Sound Clerk/Executive Assistant who reviewed the Corporation of the Town of Parry Sound Code of Conduct respecting the behaviour of Members of Council in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.  These are recognized along with the Parry Sound Public Library's own Code of Conduct for Board Members.  The Treasurer Reports were accepted.  The March Book Sale brought in $325.00.  There was also discussion about community networking.  One example discussed was "Cottage Docks Reads" taking place in Carling.

Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting
On Wednesday morning, April 24, 2019 along with Councillor Borneman, I attended the Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting.  The Life Lease owners made a deputation to the Board.  Governance training is being arranged.  We reviewed and accepted monthly financial statements.  We talked about the Ontario Health Teams initiative and guidance towards that.  While local agencies licensed and funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care are being urged to choose and integrate with partners, we find it difficult and frustrating that we have no knowledge of the Province's final plans.

West Parry Sound District Museum Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meeting
On Thursday evening, April 25th, I attended a the Regular Monthly Meeting of the West Parry Sound District Museum Board of Directors.  We accepted financial statements and are moving forward with research into financial and governance policies as we look forward to updating our procedures.  We discussed rental rates of the Lions' Room.  At some point later this year we expect to begin work on a strategic plan.  Also, thank you to all those who supported the Bake Sale in the lobby of the Town of Parry Sound Office.  Thank you to Ann Hurdman and her gang for organizing and helping with this event.  The proceeds, amounting to over $600 goes towards the installation of the model railroad display at the Museum.

District of Parry Sound Municipal Association Spring 2019 Meeting
On Friday, April 26, 2019 I attended the District of Parry Sound Municipal Association Spring 2019 Meeting.  Also attending were Councillors Backman and Burden, and Town of Parry Sound CEO, Clayton Harris.  The meeting was hosted by The Township of Machar and the Village of South River-Machar Arena Community Centre in South River.  Highlights included opening remarks by Mayor Lynda Carleton, Township of Machar and Mayor Jim Coleman, Village of South River.  MPP Norm Miller spoke.   Mike Deprez, Vice President, Transfer and Disposal , Walker Environmental - Waste Diversion, made a presentation.  Dr. Jim Chirico, North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit spoke on the opioid crisis within the District. The guest speaker was Dave Gray, Burk's Falls and Area Community Economic Development and Glen Barnden, Regional Economic Development Officer for West Parry Sound Bay and Beyond.  They spoke on regional economic development.

Library Board Training
I attended the morning portion of a library board training session on Monday, May 6th, at the library.