Councillor McCann Meeting Report (October 15, 2019)

Belvedere Heights Long Term Care, Life Lease, Community Support Services AGM
The public is cordially invited to attend the Belvedere Heights Home for the Aged Long Term Care, Life Lease and Community Support Services Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Thursday evening, October 17, 2019, 6:30 in the Fireside Lounge at Belvedere Heights.  In addition to providing our latest year-end financial statements, our guest speaker will be Jim Hanna, Communications and Public Relations Officer at West Parry Sound Health Centre.  He will be talking about local efforts being made to establish an Ontario Health Team (OHT) for the West District.  He'll be describing some of the goals, objectives and processes pertaining to a local integrated health care system replacing the Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) throughout the province.  Everyone is welcome.  Refreshments will be served.

Friends of Belvedere In Need of Volunteers
The Friends of Belvedere are in great need of volunteers to assist with its ongoing cans and bottles collection fund raiser.  Monies raised benefit residents in the home as well as the community at large covering the costs of equipment, individual needs and extras not funded by the province or district levy.  For more information please contact me or Elaine Melse, (705) 746-4545 and thank you!

West Parry Sound District Museum Fund Raiser
This Saturday, October 19, 2019 the Museum will be hosting a Historic Fashion Show Fundraiser displaying 100 years of women’s fashion! This event was conceived as a fun way to raise money for the renovation of our permanent gallery and installation of our model train replicating the OA & PS Railway.  It will take place at the Parry Sound Curling Club, 5:00 to 9:00 PM. There will be a silent auction, a buffet dinner, cocktails and of course, the fashion show!  Tickets are $65.00 each and can be purchased iat the Museum on Tower Hill, 17 George Street in Parry Sound, or by calling (705) 746-5365.