Councillor McCann Meeting Report (March 16, 2021)

Town of Parry Sound Council Special Meeting (2021 Budget)
On Tuesday evening, March 9, 2021, I attended the Town of Parry Sound Special Council Meeting to discuss the 2021 Budget.  The meeting was held electronically via ZOOM.

Parry Sound Public Library Board Monthly Meeting
On Wednesday morning, March 10, 2021, with Councillor Backman, I attended the Parry Sound Public Library Board Monthly Meeting via ZOOM. We dealt with a number of matters.  Management and staff continue to think outside the box in so far as inventing and re-inventing what your public library is all about.  Some talk of rejuvenating included the procuring of instant space divider between the public and the staff, particularly for COVID-19 protection, noise and privacy.  These units are the next best thing to constructing walls which would require an engineer and building materials and labour.  The library is applying for grants to purchase four new early literacy stations for the children's department. Other fund raising ideas were discussed including a GoFundMe Account to help kick off a fund raising campaign on April 1st for the new children's department.  We are also participating in a program called, "Good in Every Grain Kits" for the children's program.  This is for a spring-themed take-home kit for the kids.  This involves the cooperation of the the Farmers of Ontario's public outreach campaign and offers a free seed planting kit designed to educate Ontario grade school students on where their food comes from.  In my last report on the library I mentioned that we are working on a new technology centre which will be named after C.N. Corporate Services in recognition of its generosity.  We are waiting for quotes on computers and software.  Updated electrical wiring will be required to accommodate this new centre.  The Treasurer's Report for January and February of this year were received and accepted.  Our CEO reported on initiatives including a Shop Eat Support Local Campaign.

And a fund raiser to tell you about, Thom Morrissey has donated a beautiful picture of the tressel which will be turned into a puzzel courtesty of the Rotary Club.