Councillor McCann Meeting Report (March 2, 2021)

Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting
On Wednesday morning, February 24, 2021, with Councillor Borneman I attended the Belvedere Heights Board of Management Meeting via ZOOM!  We had a presentation from our insurance carrier and to no one's surprise, premiums are significantly on the rise.  Financial statements were received.  The Board Chair and Administrator's Report were received.  We were brought up to date on the home's mmunization strategy and rapid testing.

West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Meeting
On Thursday evening, February 25, 2021, at 7:00, I attended the West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Meeting via ZOOM.  We received the Business Manager's Report, Treasurer's Report and were brought up to date on a fund raising initiative.  Of course the Museum remains closed due to COVID, but there is much work being done behind the scenes.  There were a few changes made to our Health and Safety Policy.