Councillor McCann Meeting Report (April 5, 2022)
Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting
On Wednesday morning, with Councillor Borneman, I attended the Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting via ZOOM. First order of business was the election of the Executive and Committee Chairs. Donald Carmichael has been appointed as one of two Provincial Representatives on the Board. We were given an update on the Ontario Health Team initiative by Jim Hanna. Reports from our Administrator, Board Chair, Finance Committee, Community Support Services, Lifelease Management, Voice of the Resident and Long-Term Care Ad-hoc Advisory Committee.West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Board Meeting
On Thursday morning, March 24, 2022, I attended the Monthly Board Meeting of the West Parry Sound District Museum, via ZOOM. It was a rather short meeting covering the manager’s report, treasurer’s report. The Museum financial position is secure for 2022 because of generous 2021 and now 2022 provincial and federal grants and subsidies. The Museum continues to be cautious in taking on additional expenses. We also undertook another policy review, as part of our ongoing review of all our policies. This month we looked at the policy on dealing with Abuse, Discrimination, Harassment and Violence.