Councillor McCann Meeting Report (August 9, 2022)

West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Meeting
On Thursday evening, July 28, 2022, I attended the West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Board Meeting via Zoom.  Our Financial Report was received from our Manager.  The Museum has received a grant to cover deck repairs.  At last word we were in search of a contractor to complete the project.  Homestead will be replacing the toilets with new toilets which are low flow.  These have been donated by Seguin township.  The cost of sprinkler repairs is generously being covered by The Township of the Archipelago.  Since the original quote, the price has jumped considerably but thanks to several operational grants having been received, the repairs will be completed.  A grant application is being written to cover the updates that will eventually become necessary to keep the elevator operational.  This capital item was selected as it is the costliest item on the 5-year budget and will make the rest of the budget that much more palatable.  Website and social media hits continue to grow.

Condolences to Slater Family
At this time I would offer condolences to the Slater Family on the passing of Ron Slater whose death at 97 years of age was announced this week. Mr. Slater as many will know was the CEO of the Parry Sound General Hospital taking on that position in 1958. Both he and his wife Joan, who predeceased him in 2018, were highly regarded in the community.