Councillor McCann Meeting Report (December 20, 2022)

Parry Sound Public Library Monthly Board Meeting
On Wednesday morning, December 7, 2022 I attended the Parry Sound Public Library Monthly Board Meeting.  We welcomed Rolanda Fraser as Manager of Collections & Community Engagement.  We also welcomed new Board Members.  We are hoping for a successful outcome in our bid to apply for funding from the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC) under the Community Enhancement Program - Rural Enhancement stream toward the Parry Sound Public Library HVAC Upgrade project.  The new Mute Boxes were successfully installed on November 22, 2022.  Staff is currently working with Trillium and the MPP on a date for the Trillium Recognition - Ribbon Cutting Event.  There was discussion on our 2023 Draft Budget, salaries and the Kids' Portal Fundraiser.

As I was not in attendance for the November Board Meeting held Wednesday, November 9, 2022, I would take this opportunity to report on some of the business from that meeting.  The Library Board observed a moment of silence in honour of Remembrance Day.  The Board conducted regular business.  It also approved a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) increase of 1.5% to all employees' hourly wage/salary, effective January 1, 2023.  The Board approved the transfer of $30,500 from the One Investment to the Library's Current Account to cover the cost of book purchases for 2022, as per the 2022 Budget.  There was discussion of the library building, including a current estimate for the cost of rooftop units and HVAC Project Costs.  There was discussion on the 2023 Draft Budget.

West Parry Sound District Museum
On Thursday evening, December 8, 2022, I attended the West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Board Meeting via ZOOM.  Regular business was conducted including receiving the Manager's Report, the Treasurer's Report and the Finance Committee Report.  We are fortunate to find ourselves in a good position starting off 2023.  Our 2023 Budget was approved.  Giving Tuesday fundraiser resulted in receiving just over $2,000 to produce a research centre to be located in the back office for outside visitors and researchers.  There was discussion on membership drives.

Special Town of Parry Sound Council Meeting
On Tuesday evening, December 13, 2022, I attended a Special Town of Parry Sound Council Meeting in which Council received a background and a lesson on Development Charges, particularly important as we ensure that new infrastructure costs are evenly and fairly levied.  With anticipated growth and development in the next few years it is vital to ensure that the Town can manage and sustain infrastructure and services to all residents and businesses.  These are fees collected from developers to help pay for the cost of infrastructure required to provide municipal services to new development.  This can include water, sewer, roads and fire and police facilities.

West Parry Sound District Community Support Services
As we draw near to the end of 2022, West Parry Sound District Community Support Services would like to issue a big thank you to the people of the area for their generosity helping out in several ways. Volunteers who deliver Meals on Wheels, provide transportation, help organize special events, and those who contribute financially and as well a big thank you to all who support Be A Santa to A Senior!  We also want to thank everyone for their continued support in dropping off redeemable deposit alcoholic containers which include wine and spirits bottles and plastics, wine bladders from dispensary boxes, beer bottles and cans.  Total product contributed this year amounts to $4,415.90.  Please continue to support our cause by dropping off your containers at our depot at Sobeys and at the MacFarlane Transfer Station.

Enhanced Lighting at Bowes and Pine
I want to acknowledge and thank Public Works and Shipman Electric on the installation of street lighting at the intersection of Bowes and Pine Street, most likely the busiest intersection in Parry Sound. With the addition of lights it will be much safer for both driver and pedestrian to navigate.  The enhanced lighting will illuminate the cross-walk across Bowes and make it much easier for drivers to see pedestrians before turning on Bowes heading in the downtown direction.

Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
At this time I would personally like to wish our Mayor, fellow Councillors, Town staff, and you the public a very Merry Christmas.  On behalf of myself and wife Josey, we wish you health, happiness and peace throughout the New Year, 2023!