Councillor McCann Meeting Report (June 21, 2022)
Parry Sound Public Library Board Meeting
On Wednesday, June 8, 2022, I attended the Parry Sound Public Library Board Meeting held in person at the library. Heidy Sun and Giselle Bodkin of BDO, via ZOOM, reviewed our 2021 Draft Audited Financial Statements. The statements were later received and approved by the Board in this meeting. Other housekeeping duties surrounding reserves, signing authority and use of credit cards by senior staff were handled. The Treasurer's Reports for April and May 2022 were approved. The board discussed and reviewed upcoming library events, quarter statistics for the first quarter of this year, hours the library is open to the public and we continue to search for a permanent replacement for outgoing CEO Rita Orr. She is officially retired now and I would take this opportunity on behalf of the board to thank her for her service, above and beyond the call of duty, her resourcefulness, creativity and enthusiasm for the Parry Sound Public Library. In the last couple of years under Rita's guidance our library has been noticed by other municipal libraries in the province.Honouring Hometown Hero Olympians
On Saturday, June 11, 2022 my wife and I attended the Homecoming Celebration for our 2022 Beijing Winter Olympians return to Parry Sound. Congratulations once again to Olympians Mark Ideson, Megan Oldham and Graham Ritchie. It was an honour and pleasure to listen to each speak about their accomplishments, experiences, training and hard work. They are truly an inspiration to all of us.Fisher's Regalia Open House
On Saturday June 11, 2022 my wife and I attended an Open House at Fisher's Regalia on Queen Street in the old Georgian Rentals Building. It is a great family venture established in 1975 and now into its third generation. They decided to close up shop in Barrie and relocate here. They will tell you that they could not be happier. They provide custom fit dress uniforms and everything that goes with them for Canada's emergency services personnel. Ninety percent of their business is national. Once again, another fine company putting Parry Sound on the world map.295 MacPherson Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets 78th Annual Ceremonial Review
On Sunday afternoon, June 12, 2022 I attended the 295 MacPherson Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets 78th Annual Ceremonial Review held at the Bobby Orr Community Centre. Special reviewing officer was Mark Ideson. Congratulations to the cadets and a special shout-out to those receiving various annual awards.