Councillor McCann Meeting Report (November 15, 2022)

Inaugural Council Meeting Report
Good Evening Mr. Mayor, fellow Councillors, staff, those here at the Stockey Centre and those watching on line. Councillor Borneman said moments ago that we had a 42% voter turnout and perhaps that doesn't sound like something to write home about, but it is.  If you consider the fact that up to the year 2018 the provincial average voter turnout was 38%. We were at least 50 to 51% in our turnout that year. So Parry Sounders have gotten involved, embraced local events and what's happening. Thank you for that. We're down this year and as Mr. Borneman spoke to, whether it's apathy or satisfaction, we don't know, but we're all here and very dedicated and looking forward to working over the next four years.

When campaigning I thought about bragging about something and then I pulled back. I've never missed a Council Meeting. In the eight years, regular meetings, special meetings and closed meetings, I've been here for everyone. I thought that was something to brag about in terms of showing commitment, and then I thought, well, the others have a life and I guess I don't!!

Anyhow you can take that point for what it's worth, but I am very passionate about Parry Sound. I think our time is coming. There is a lot of growth that even Council doesn't see because it doesn't come under the purview of Council in terms of signing off on zoning, or passing on site plans, but the paperwork is in motion and the shovels are in the ground, if not very close. I really believe that our time is here and over the next four or five years or so we can anticipate some good growth. I just hope that it's all planned and that we are in line to build the infrastructure and manage that growth very positively.

I want to thank everyone who voted for me and for your support in putting me back in Council for the next four years. This is my third term. It is an honour. It's a privilege I've never taken for granted. I keep a website, It's a site you can go to for my reports, Council meeting minutes, YouTube links and all kinds of municipal resources. I've been keeping that since late 2014.

I want to congratulate fellow Councillors and Mayor McGarvey on their re-election or election and to everyone who ran.  It's something to put your name in the ring and put it out there and run.  In terms of the 42% I talked about, I want to say that it's good that people get involved. I've talked to many people who have been in politics for a while and one thing they don't do is read social media because they find it disheartening and discouraging over acrimonious postings.  I find often people will jump to conclusions when making statements on social media and I guess I may have done the same before my time on Council. There are so many moving parts, so much going on, you see a lot of what you think are silly things. I've always said that "there's always a good reason for something stupid". So, often when Council has to do something it may not have been in the favour of the greater public. Sometimes what's right is not always popular and what's popular is not always the right thing. So I hope you will keep that in mind, educate yourself, embrace what's going on. There is a lot to look forward to in the coming years. Thank you so much for coming this evening and being involved in this wonderful event. We have a free country. We should never take that for granted. We just commemorated another Remembrance Day - always a good time to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom. Thank you and have a good evening.