Councillor McCann Meeting Report (April 6, 2021)
Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting
On Wednesday morning, March 24, 2021, with Councillor Borneman I attended the Belvedere Heights Board of Management Monthly Meeting via ZOOM! Financial statements were received. The Board Chair and Administrator’s Reports were received, as well as the Life Lease and Community Support Services reports presented. Ted Knight, one of two Provincial Representatives was reappointed.
West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Meeting
On Thursday evening, March 25, 2021, at 7:00, I attended the West Parry Sound District Museum Monthly Meeting via ZOOM. We received the Business Manager's Report and Treasurer's Report. The HR Committee is currently working on a very simple code of conduct which will be presented next month. An Asset Management Plan is underway.
Belvedere Heights Board of Management Special Meeting
On Tuesday morning, March 30, 2021, with Councillor Borneman I attended a special meeting of the Belvedere Heights Board of Management to discuss future plans and development as we anticipate the growing demand for long-term care in the West Parry Sound District.